To ensure guaranteed service uptime and sufficient redundancy is TelOne has invested in the West Indian Ocean Cable Company (WIOCC) which owns and operates the East Africa Submarine System (EASSy). It is through this investment that TelOne now boasts of the fastest, most reliable and affordable broadband in Zimbabwe. TelOne also gets broadband internet bandwidth through the West African Cable System (WACS) and SEACOM. Data Network A number of solutions are available for data communications: High speed point-to-point data connectivity using modems The Managed Data Network (MDN) solution that uses frame relay technology Over satellite using VSAT (very small aperture terminal) technology The Internet Protocol (IP) based MPLS (multiprotocol label switching) technology
TelOne offers Enterprises a One Stop Shop Cloud Data Centres Solution A Data Centre is a centralised location where large amounts of data is collected, stored, processed, distributed and accessed.
Enterprise networks must be more powerful and intelligent to keep up with the new style of IT. Cloud, Security, Mobility, and Big Data are pushing networks to the breaking point, requiring more bandwidth, scalability, reliability, and security. TelOne enables you to achieve this through the vast solutions it has to offer. We offer expert consultancy to implement the best solution possible for your business, whatever the needs are. We offer reliable network solutions with around the clock support to ensure a 99.9% uptime on your network.
Tel-One is Zimbabwe’s sole fixed telecommunication services provider providing Voice, Internet and Data services. We have a wide network distribution with infrastructure in almost every corner of this country and the network has grown to be the second largest fixed line network in the region after Telkom South Africa. Tel-One is a key player in the Zimbabwe Information Communication Technology (ICT) industry, whose network provides the main backbone network on which other players ride their services.
VPN is a private network that makes use of the public telecommunication infrastructure, maintaining privacy through the use of a tunnelling protocol and security. TelOne offers data transfer services that enable real-time information transfer at high bandwidth and uses various media including fibre optics, DSL and VSAT. The following data services are available: